Carrefour Hipermarket
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Set 6 pensule cu varf ascutit nr.2/4/6/8/10/12 ColourKids

Set 6 pensule cu varf ascutit nr.2/4/6/8/10/12 ColourKids

From RON 9.99

Brand name: N/A

Set de pensule cu varf ascutit de grosimi diferite, ideale pentru pictura cu acuarele, tempera, guase, acrilice etc.
Varful ascutit permite realizarea detaliilor fine si al contururilor.
Ideale pentru activitati scolare.
Setul include 6 pensule cu marimile 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 si 12.

Product number: 32514889

The displayed information may be incomplete or outdated. Always use the physical product for the most exact information and warnings. For more information please contact the seller or the manufacturer.


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