Carrefour Market
Sos picant de rosii cu ardei rosu si branza mozzarella Sacla 190g

Sos picant de rosii cu ardei rosu si branza mozzarella Sacla 190g

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Brand name: SACLA

Sos picant de rosii cu ardei rosu si branza mozzarella


Ardei rosu 28.1%, rosii 25% (pasta, bucati, suc), ulei de floarea soarelui, branza mozzarella 13%, ceapa, sare, fructoza, pudra de ardei iute chilli, usturoi, piper negru macinat, fibra vegetala, arome naturale, amidon de porumb modificat, corector de aciditate: acid lactic, antioxidant: dioxid de sulf rezidual.

Product number: 11013411

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