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Pate vegetal cu ciuperci 120 g Mandy

Pate vegetal cu ciuperci 120 g Mandy

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Brand name: MANDY

Produs de post Pate vegetal cu ciuperci 120 g Mandy


Apa, ulei de floarea soarelui, ciuperci (9%), proteina de soia, sare iodata, gelifiant (caragenan), amidon de grau, sirop de glucoza, aromatizant (telina), potentiator de aroma (glutamat monosodic), agent de ingrosare (guma guar), stabilizatori (polifosfati de sodiu), antioxidant (ascorbat de sodiu), colorant natural (carmin). Produsul contine soia, grau, telina.

Product number: 11015847

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