
Caroli Piept De Pui Afumat Gastro

RON 59.90 / KG

~ RON 17.97 / bucata

Price estimation: 1 x RON 17.97 = RON 17.97

* The final price will be determined based on the final weight

Brand name: CAROLI

Ingrediente: piept de pui dezosat din UE si din afara UE, apă, sare, amidon, stabilizatori (difosfați, trifosfați, polifosfati ), agent de întarire ( lactat de sodiu ), condimente, agent de ingrosare ( guma de xantan ), antioxidant (eritorbat de sodiu), aroma naturala, conservant (nitrit de sodiu ).

Valoarea energetica                        442 kJ / 105 kcal 
grasimi                                                         1.8 g
din care
- acizi grasi saturati                        0.4 g
Glucide                                                        1.1 g
- din care zaharuri                          0.2 g
Proteine                                                       21 g
Sare                                                                2 g         

Product number: 53002037

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