
Caroli Muschi File Afumat Kg Vrac

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Brand name: CAROLI

 Ingrediente:cotlet de porc fara os din UE, apa, sare, stabilizatori (difosfati, trifosfati, citrati de sodiu), zaharuri (dextroza), agent de ingrosare (caragenan, konjac), amidon, antioxidant (eritorbat de sodiu), proteina animala din porc, agent de intarire (clorura de potasiu), aroma naturala, conservant (nitrit de sodiu).,Valoare energetica                        389 kJ / 92kcal, Grasimi                                                    2.6 g
  -din care acizi grasi saturati                   1 g  , Glucide                                                     1.7 g
    - din care zaharuri                             1.2 g,Proteine                                                 15.5 g,Sare                                                           2.9 g

Product number: 20506022

Country of origin: RO

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