Carrefour Baneasa
Carnati grosi Drag de Romania per 100g

Carnati grosi Drag de Romania per 100g

RON 44.90 / Kg

~ RON 4.49 / 100 gr

Price estimation: 1 x RON 4.49 = RON 4.49

* The final price will be determined based on the final weight

Brand name: DDR

Ingrediente: Carne de porc , slanina, apa, condimente si extracte de condimente (boia ardei dulce, usturoi).
Produs afumat in membrana naturala comestibila.
A se pastra la temperatura intre 2- 8⁰C.
Poate contine urme de soia, gluten, lactoza, mustar.
A se prepara termic inainte de consum.Afumat cu fum natural de lemn de esente tari.

Product number: 20503666

Country of origin: RO

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