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Vibratoare de lux
Lovense USB Bluetooth Adapter

Lovense USB Bluetooth Adapter

De la 79,99 RON
Instructiuni pentru livrator

Cu Lovense USB Bluetooth Adapter poti conecta prin bluetooth pana la 5 jucarii Lovense la un singur calculator.

Simplu de utilizat si conectat:

1. Conecteaza USB-ul Lovense Bluetooth Adapter la computerul tau, apoi apasa "Lovense Connect"

2. Logheaza-te la "Lovense Remote" app si conecteza-ti jucaria Lovense la acest USB

Lovense USB Bluetooth Adapter este compatibil cu Windows 7; Windows 8 si Windows 10.

Adaptorul Lovense USB Bluetooth poate fi utilizat doar pentru a conecta prin USB jucariile Lovense la un computer care are instalat sistemul de operare Windows si nu va functiona cu alte echipamente bluetooth. 

Adaptorul USB Lovense poate avea diferite culori (alb, verde, negru)

Lovense USB Bluetooth Adapter. Might come in different colours !!!

Super easy set up that doesn't require any technical skills.
Once set, you can have up to five toys connected at the same time!
The Easiest & Fastest Set Up Process! Connect any Lovense toy to a Windows PC in two easy steps!
1. Connect Lovense USB Bluetooth Adapter to your Windows PC. Log into the "Lovense Connect" app and connect your toy
2. Log into the "Lovense Remote" app and connect your toy
Compatible With: Windows 7; Windows 8; Windows 10
Lovense USB Bluetooth Adapter is customized exclusively to connect Lovense toys to a Windows PC.


- Lovense toys cannot be connected by other generic Bluetooth dongles.

- USB Bluetooth Adapter.. might come in different colours

Numar produs: 26376

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