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Vibratoare de lux
Vibrator cu Incalzire, 7 viteze, Reincarcabil USB

Vibrator cu Incalzire, 7 viteze, Reincarcabil USB

De la 399,99 RON
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USB Rechargeable Warming Vibrator. Vibrator cu Incalzire, 7 viteze, Reincarcabil USB. Vezi aici toate vibratoarele cu incalzire.

Caldura si vibratie pentru simturile tale!
Acest vibrator violet iti va oferi o satisfactie dulce si cu siguranta vei obtine valoarea banilor tai. Frumosul arbore curbat este conic in mijloc si exista, de asemenea, 4 caneluri stimulatoare pe varful arborelui. Canelurile se simt uimitor atunci cand vibratorul este introdus. Odata ce vibratorul este la locul sau, va va rasfata cu cele 7 moduri diferite de vibratie. Modurile de vibratie pot fi reglate prin apasarea unui buton (pe arbore).
Si cel mai bun lucru: exista o functie de incalzire care inseamna ca varful se incalzeste la o temperatura placuta pentru momente si mai intense de placere! Functia de incalzire si modurile de vibratie pot fi controlate separat prin apasarea unui buton.

Lungime completa 19,3 cm, adancime de introducere 12 cm, O 2,3-3,5 cm. Silicon cu un strat de poliuretan.


Warmth and vibration for your senses!
This purple vibrator will give you sweet satisfaction and you’ll definitely get your money’s worth. The lovely curved shaft is tapered in the middle and there are also 4 stimulating grooves on the shaft’s tip. The grooves feel amazing when the vibrator is being inserted. Once the vibrator is in place, it will spoil you with its 7 different vibration modes. The vibration modes can be adjusted at the push of a button (on the shaft).
And the best bit: there is a warming function that means that the tip warms up to a nice temperature for even more intense moments of pleasure! The warming function and vibration modes can be controlled separately at the push of a button.

Complete length 19.3 cm, insertion depth 12 cm, O 2.3-3.5 cm. Silicone with a polyurethane coating.

Numar produs: 591505

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