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Irigator Intim
Irigator Intim Shower Me Deluxe

Irigator Intim Shower Me Deluxe

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De la 219,99 RON
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Irigator intim anal si vaginal (2 capete) cu furtun de dus inclus. Capete: dimensiuni 14 cm, O 2 to 2.3 cm. si 25 cm, O 1.7 to 3 cm, material PVC. Furtun de dus material otel, lungime 138cm.
Intim Cleaner Shower Me Deluxe.

A fun intimate shower!
Showering alone can sometimes inspire fantasies and this is where the intimate shower with hose, which can be attached to a shower tap, comes in! Each attachment have a hole for a thin jet of water.
Hose length approx. 138 cm.
Complete length of attachment 1: approx. 14 cm, O 2 to 2.3 cm.
Complete length of attachment 2: approx. 25 cm, O 1.7 to 3 cm.
Silver-coloured hose, black attachment.
Material: stainless steel, aluminium, PVC, phthalate-free.

Numar produs: 523348

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